Tuesday 8 November 2011

A Message From My Gullet

**This special non-literary post brought to you by Hunger: A Fact of Life Since Always**

As a result of living the life of a broke, American student trying to get by in a self-catering British university, I have come to learn many things regarding The Meal from its birth at the food store to its death in the stomach. Such lessons include:

  • Never try to buy bread after 2pm at the campus Coop, as you will be as disappointed as Old Mother Hubbard's dog. 
  • Farmers Markets are much cheaper than the regular Coop.
  • Mac and Cheese is always delicious, especially when made with sharp cheddar, mayo, and onions. 
  • Mac and Cheese is not delicious when made with turnips. 
  • Potatoes can be cooked using three different pans: fried in a frying pan, boiled in a pot, baked on a plate wrapped in tinfoil.
  • Boiling potatoes is much faster and less painful than frying potatoes. Baking potatoes is for saints.
  • Nutella and bread is cake for the poor.
  • One jar of Nutella will not last one week.
I have also come to appreciate the many things I miss from home. Whether from the frugal management of my funds or the scarcity of the desired products, I haven't been able to enjoy some of the good ol' fashioned American junk in quite some time. 
Here is a list of food that, upon returning home, I will hunt down and consume faster than you can fully understand:
  • Popcorn. It's not sold at the Coop.
  • Doritos. Ditto.
  • Chocolate Chip Cookie Batter. 
  • Ice Cream BY THE GALLON.
  • Root Beer.
  • Strawberries. They're expensive.
  • Cheese Burgers.
  • American Bacon.
  • Chicken Tenders with BBQ sauce, Sweet and Sour sauce, and Honey Mustard.
  • Tropicana Orange Juice. It's like GOLD here.
  • Hot Dogs. I haven't seen any here yet.
  • Onion Rings.
  • Brownies.
  • Toasted marshmallows.
  • Steak.
  • Bagels with cream cheese.
  • Cake, specifically carrot cake and cheese cake. 
  • Meringues.
  • Eggnog.
  • Not potatoes.
If you want a good idea of what my deprived palate is looking forward to upon my return, look here: http://thisiswhyyourefat.tumblr.com/ 

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